The breakdown of expensive electronics is certainly a sad event. But in some cases, you can reduce the cost and waiting time for repairs if you take action yourself. What can the user cope with himself, and in which case is it better to contact a specialist?

Laptop won't turn on
This is a very controversial situation. This problem can be caused both by an elementary battery discharge and by irreversible damage to individual components of the "system unit". If the last power-on went well, and the laptop was running on battery (or the battery is very old), then you should hold it on charge for several hours, and then try to turn it on again. Otherwise, you will have to contact a specialist.
The laptop shuts down unexpectedly
The laptop may not turn on or turn off unexpectedly for the user due to overheating. Prevention of this phenomenon, as well as the necessary measures to be taken after the first spontaneous shutdown - cleaning the cooling system. Inexperienced users may be advised to clean the holes of the curing system (they are located in the lower part of the case) with a stiff, long-haired brush. If you know how to disassemble your laptop, then regularly dust off the entire cooling system, including the radiator and cooler.
In the event that the laptop cooling system did not have time to clog up or regular maintenance is carried out, you will have to contact a repair shop.
Filling laptop
In such a situation, there is a very high risk of damage to the motherboard or other components, therefore, in most cases, specialist intervention will be required. However, in any case, you will have to immediately turn off the smart car, remove the battery, disconnect the power supply, dry everything with a hairdryer.
Keyboard problems
The button is very easy to break off if you carelessly handle the equipment. Repairs can be done by hand if you are more or less versed in technology. In some situations, the button can be returned to its place with little or no damage to the computer. If several buttons are broken, you may have to change the entire keyboard. It is also possible to do this on your own if you are careful enough.
Mechanical breakdowns
This type of damage can include any cracking of the housing (for example, the lid hinges often suffer). The problem can arise from careless, rough handling of equipment, falls, impacts while carrying. For certain laptop models, changing parts of the case will not be difficult, but it will require accuracy. But for any difficulties that arise, it is worth contacting a specialist.
Also, careless handling may loosen the connectors, crack the motherboard, break the cable from the matrix to the motherboard, etc. In all such cases, you will have to immediately contact the workshop.