How To Choose An Antivirus Program For Home Devices

How To Choose An Antivirus Program For Home Devices
How To Choose An Antivirus Program For Home Devices

Antivirus programs protect your computer and confidential user data from viruses, Trojans, worms and other malicious software. The choice of such programs must be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible.

How to choose an antivirus program for home devices
How to choose an antivirus program for home devices

Antivirus software

Antivirus programs can protect users of a personal computer from unwanted intrusions from the outside. Today there is a huge variety of different malicious software and many antivirus programs that block the first access to the computer. At first glance, it might seem that there is no difference in anti-virus programs, because they all do the same thing. In fact, everything is a little different. Today there are different antiviruses, and basically they differ in the consumption of computer resources.

The best representatives of antivirus software

Avast Antivirus! Free Antivirus appeared on the market for a long time (in the 90s of the last century). This antivirus is quite popular, which is quite justified. Its distinctive advantage is that such an antivirus is distributed free of charge. It has a sandbox mode in which the user can run suspicious programs. It should be noted that if the Avast antivirus itself considers that a particular file is malicious, it will quarantine it. The program itself is quite good at finding and automatically eliminating various threats. One of the disadvantages of this free antivirus is that it cannot find viruses that are in the computer's operating memory.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is also one of the best representatives of its kind. It has a resident scanning program, thanks to which it detects and removes various malicious programs on the user's computer quite well. It should be noted that owners of weak computers may face one significant problem - the program will take up a fairly large amount of system resources. This software is used most often by small, medium and large businesses. It has all the necessary functionality that will ensure the security of the local network.

There are two more big competitors to all the programs presented above, these are: Dr. Web and NOD32. Dr. Web is a Russian anti-virus. It is worth noting its significant drawback, which is that it collects all information from the user's computer and sends it to developers. Yes, the functionality of this program allows you to block many threats, but this program is not suitable for those who like confidentiality of information.

As for the NOD32 program, it appeared in the early 80s. NOD32 scans data in both ROM and RAM, which means it allows you to find more malware and ensure good security for your computer. In addition, this antivirus does not consume much system resources, which means that it is well suited even for owners of old computers.
