Many people know the game "Tetris", invented back in 1984 by the Soviet programmer Alexei Pajitnov. She turned 30 this June. But for many it remained a mystery where the word "Tetris" came from.

Step 1
The original idea of the game "Tetris" comes from another puzzle - pentamino. Its essence consisted in the need to add a rectangle of all the figures, of which there were 12 in the pentomino. Each of them had 5 squares (penta - five) and they were denoted by letters of the Latin alphabet, which they looked like.

Step 2
To simplify the idea, Alexey took four squares for each shape. Hence the beginning of the word "Tetris" - tetrimino (tetra - four). The idea itself remained the same - to fill a rectangular glass as tightly as possible.

Step 3
But the secret of the second half of the word "Tetris" is revealed by Vadim Gerasimov, who was the co-developer of the game. He claims that the ending is taken from the word "tennis".