How To Make Smoky Eyes Effect

How To Make Smoky Eyes Effect
How To Make Smoky Eyes Effect

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Smoky Eyes makeup is very popular with stylists. Ladies' publications publish a variety of instructions on how to achieve the effect of smoky eyes. With the help of Adobe Photoshop, you can make any look deep and mysterious - the way it should be with the skillful use of shadows, mascara and eyeliner.

How to make smoky eyes effect
How to make smoky eyes effect


  • - Photo;
  • - Adobe Photoshop.


Step 1

Open the photo. Prepare it for makeup by using the Healing Brush Tool to remove pimples and bumps around the eyes.

Step 2

Now, if you follow the instructions of the stylists, you need to do the eyeliner. Press the B key, on the property bar set the size to 1 px. Add a new layer. On the toolbar, select the Pen Tool ("Pen") and pick the foreground color suitable for the stroke shade - it depends on the color of the model's eyes. Then, gently trace the upper eyelid along the lash line.

Step 3

Right click on the line and use the Stroke Path option to paint the selection in the desired color. In the window that appears, choose Brush from the list of tools. Again, right-click on the line and click on the Delete Path command to remove the selection. Stylists recommend feathering the stroke - take their advice and apply either a Gaussian Blur with a small radius from the Filter menu or the Blur Tool and create separate layers for each eyeliner.

Step 4

The next step is shadowing. Go back to the main layer and select the part of the upper eyelid that you want to paint. For selection, you can use the Lasso Tool ("Lasso") or Quick Mask Mode ("Quick Mask Mode") - this mode is called by pressing the Q key. Copy the selected area to a new layer by pressing Ctrl + J.

Step 5

Check the Gradient on the toolbar. On the property bar, click on the box with the gradient image and set the start and end values to dark and light shades of the color you chose for the shadows. On the property bar, activate the Linear Gradient icon. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the new layer icon to make a selection appear. Extend a gradient line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Remove the selection with the Ctrl + D combination. Blur out the shadows with the Blur Tool.

Lower the opacity of the layer if needed.

Step 6

Go back to the main layer and select the areas under the eyebrows. Copy them to a new layer. Set the blending mode to Screen ("Lightening") and the opacity of 10-15%.

Step 7

Create a new one on top of the main layer. Set the foreground color to a very dark shade of brown, gray or blue depending on the model's eye and hair color. Select the Pen Tool and begin to carefully draw the eyelashes. Right-click on the picture and choose Stroke Path, Brush and Delete Path in sequence. If you are hindered by the previously created layers, make them invisible by clicking on the icon with the image of the eye.

Step 8

Create a new layer and add lashes at large intervals. Merge the layers with eyelashes Ctrl + E and erase the excess with the Eraser Tool ("Eraser"). Lower the opacity of the layer if the lashes look too bright. Treat the other eye in the same way.
