During the operation of large local area networks, certain failures may occur. This is usually caused by a sharp increase in the load on the devices with which this network is created.

Step 1
Most often, in order to increase the data transfer rate in the local network, it is necessary to replace the used equipment. If your network is built using a network hub (switch), then purchase and install a switch. This equipment has a special algorithm for processing network traffic, which makes it possible to exclude sending files to the wrong address. This method justifies the cost if the network includes more than 15 computers constantly exchanging information.
Step 2
Sometimes network delays are caused by the users themselves. Usually the cause of problems is the launch of certain programs, such as download managers. Such utilities clog the network channel, because constantly sending and receiving packages. Often, users use programs that scan public folders, such as NetLook. These utilities have a tremendous impact on the operation of the network, because there are a huge number of calls to all networked PCs. Disable all programs that are constantly working with your local network.
Step 3
If you are dealing with a home LAN consisting of 2-3 computers, then optimize the performance of each PC. Some computers can be so loaded with unnecessary processes that they do not have the resources to maintain a high-quality network connection. This is especially true if one of the PCs functions as an Internet access server.
Step 4
Be sure to check the integrity of the network cables in the event that problems in working with the network appear in individual devices. Try to avoid kinking the cables during routing and operation. Reboot routers and switches periodically to clear the cache of these devices.