In the work of the system unit, the hard disk is responsible for storing any kind of information for a long period. It contains an operating system on one of its partitions, as well as a large number of files and folders. Therefore, when choosing an additional hard drive, you need to be especially careful, because any volume of a hard drive becomes small over time.

Computer, hard drive, connecting cables
Step 1
The choice of hard disk should be stopped on faster models. Hard drives, among others, have a characteristic that displays the spindle speed. Roughly speaking, the speed of rotation of the record, since the hard disk and the gramophone have a similar structure. The standard for a personal computer is 7200 revolutions. For notebooks with a much smaller form factor, this value equates to 5400 rpm. High-speed hard drives have conquered the 10,200 rpm bar. You should also pay attention to models with a SATA II connection interface.
Step 2
Today it makes no sense to buy hard drives with IDE interface, give preference to SATA. Such disks have a higher data transfer rate, moreover, their connection will take you a couple of minutes. To connect this type of disk, you need to de-energize the system unit: you can flip the switch on the back of the system unit.
Step 3
After you remove the side covers of the system unit, armed with a Phillips screwdriver, you can start installing a new drive. Place the disc in the empty tray and secure it with the connecting screws. Connect the disk to the motherboard using two cables - a data cable and a power cable. The power cable is an adapter for the standard cable that comes from the power supply. The data cable is colored red.
Step 4
After establishing the connection, assemble the system unit in the reverse order.