Data encryption is one of the ways to protect information from unauthorized access. There are many different encryption methods, you just need to choose the one that is convenient for you.

Step 1
Use simple encryption techniques if you need to transfer a small amount of information. Write down the original message, then you can shift the alphabet by one letter. To do this, rewrite the text, but instead of each letter, write the next one after it in alphabetical order. For example, the text "Information" encrypted by this method will look like this: "Yohpsnbchya". You can do it differently - instead of the letter of the alphabet, enter the letter opposite to it, for example, instead of “A”, enter “I”. To do this, write the letters of the alphabet, divide in half and number each half.
Step 2
Use complex replacement ciphers to encrypt texts. It uses multi-alphabetic substitution, which swaps and substitutes the alphabets used for encryption. The message can be encrypted using the Gronsfeld cipher. To do this, write down the text of the message, come up with a digital key, that is, a combination of numbers for encryption. Write this key under the letters of the message. If the key is shorter than the text, repeat it. Next, encrypt the message in this way: for example, the first letter of the message is L. The key that you used looks like 35399. Accordingly, under the first letter you have the number "3". So, under this number, enter the letter, the third in order after "L". Receive the letter "O". Encrypt the rest of the letters in the same way. Anyone who knows the digital code and has the encrypted text, as well as the encryption method, will easily guess the given text.
Step 3
Use a data encryption program if you don't have time to come up with ciphers and encode texts. Download it from the link Run the program, enter the password (key), which will be the basis for data encryption. Decryption will be possible only after entering this password. Enter the text to be encrypted into the program window, click the "Encode" button, and to decrypt - "Decode".