Usually, users do not think that scammers can easily gain access to their data or computer. But in vain. No expensive OS or antivirus software can provide a 100% security guarantee.

Today it is already very difficult to imagine your life without a computer with Internet access. More and more often we have fun, work, shop there. Well, where the money is, there are scammers.
Let's start with. This specific software is ready to harm the computer in various ways. There are various viruses, including those that encrypt user data, steal passwords and logins, etc. The purpose of writing them is either to entice the user's money or simply harm him out of hooligan motives.
An ordinary user can counteract a virus attack very limitedly. Mandatory measures are the installation of antivirus, keeping its databases up to date (updates), regular checking of the computer's hard disk and removable disks with antivirus. Attention is equally important. You should not download files from untrustworthy sites, as well as those sent by e-mail by unknown senders. You should not open such downloaded files on a PC without first checking them with an antivirus. And of course, you cannot run executable files (their extensions, in particular,.exe,.bat,.cmd,.pif,.hta, js,.vbs …).
You cannot do without accuracy and attention when surfing the Internet through. You should not make important transactions in a cafe (in particular, use Internet banking). In addition to using antivirus on your PC, disable the connection to the nearest network by default.
Don't forget about. I have already told you what the essence of this fraud is, so I will only remind you of the need for extreme caution and attention when making monetary transactions. Do not poke your mouse on a button just because it suddenly appears. Especially if these buttons are bright and eye-catching.
when visiting your mailbox, social networks, other important and necessary services, never tick the box "Save password" or "remember". Come up with complex and long passwords, type them manually each time. Change passwords at least once a month!