Computers have become real human helpers, and neither a state organization nor a commercial one can do without them. But in this regard, the problem of information protection has become aggravated. Viruses, which have become widespread in computer technology, have agitated the whole world. How can you protect your program from viruses?

antivirus, program, computer
Step 1
Currently, there are many ways to protect a program from viruses. Two important requirements are to install an antivirus and a firewall. Antivirus and Firewall prevents malware and viruses from entering your computer and prevents them from spreading to other computers.
Step 2
There are a lot of best practices that you need to follow to help protect your computer.
1. Pre-check all downloaded files with antivirus.
2. Do not open files downloaded from unknown sites.
3. Check incoming mail before opening a letter.
4. Before use, check drives, flash cards and other media for viruses for viruses.
5. Regularly check your computer for viruses using antivirus software.
6. Choose the highest security level on your firewall.
Step 3
Systematic updating of the antivirus provides additional protection against viruses and protects against new viruses that appear on the Internet. Download all files from the Internet into one folder, then check them with an antivirus. When using, for example, Kaspersky, a special folder is created in which files are automatically scanned and blocked if a malicious program is detected.