How To Do Everything Line By Line In Excel

How To Do Everything Line By Line In Excel
How To Do Everything Line By Line In Excel

Table of contents:


In order for the data transferred to Excel to be distributed across rows and columns after insertion, you must first format them correctly. You can do this by adding tabs and line breaks to repeating characters. And sometimes you need to reverse manipulate the spreadsheet data - combining the columns of each row into one row.

How to do everything line by line in Excel
How to do everything line by line in Excel


Step 1

For preliminary formatting of text with data, you can use the Microsoft Word word processor familiar to most of us from the office suite of applications. However, it is better to use a simple Notepad or a similar text editor such as NoteTab. The fact is that advanced Word tries to format the text in automatic mode, inserting its own tags into it, changing the case of characters, etc., and in the upcoming operation it is desirable to have full control over all the editor's actions.

Step 2

Paste the line endings where you want the data text you copied into the editor. To do this, use the autocorrect operation and repeated characters at the end (or beginning) of each line of the source text. An unprintable line terminator when pasting copied text in Excel will mean that one row of table cells ends at this point and another begins.

Step 3

In the same way, you can prepare and break the data in a row into separate cells - for this, separators (for example, two or three spaces in a row) must be replaced with tabs.

Step 4

When all line endings and tabs are in place, select all the text with data (Ctrl + A) and copy it (Ctrl + C). Then switch to the table editor window, select the first cell of the future table and paste the contents of the clipboard - press the combination Ctrl + V.

Step 5

Among the Excel controls there is a button "Combine by Rows", the purpose of which is to combine all the cells selected in a row into one. If you need to combine the entire table by rows, select it above (Ctrl + A), and then open the drop-down list "Merge and Place in Center" from the group of commands "Align" on the "Home" tab. In this list, select the "Combine by Rows" row, but keep in mind that this operation will erase all cell data except for the first one in each row.

Step 6

To avoid data loss in the operation of the previous step, replace it with another procedure. To the row of the first row, add another cell with the "Concatenate" function placed in it, in which list all the cells with the data of this row - for example, = CONCATENATE (A1; B1; C1). Then copy the cell and fill the entire column with this formula to the height of the table. You will end up with a column that contains exactly what was intended - a row-joined table. Then select this entire column, copy (Ctrl + C) right-click the selection and in the "Paste Special" section of the context menu select "Paste Values". After that, all other columns of the table can be deleted, they are no longer used in the formula.
