If the desktop of your personal computer is cluttered, then this is not only ugly, but also inconvenient, since it makes it difficult to find the necessary documents.

Organizing your workspace
Folders, programs, shortcuts, and more inevitably clog up the workspace, turning the search for the necessary document into painful memories of exactly where you saved it. And sometimes the user doesn't notice the mess for a long time. When it comes time to sort out the accumulated documents, then often there comes a stupor, how to systematize everything that has accumulated.
Of course, the ideal is an option in which the desktop is always in exemplary order and under control. If this is not the case for you, then it's time to learn how to organize your desktop space.
To do this, make it a rule to pin shortcuts to the Windows taskbar and not duplicate them on the desktop. This is quite convenient, because you don't have to look for the desired icon on the desktop. And the Windows desktop itself stays clean. The Windows taskbar, in turn, serves as a temporary storage for everything you need, and most importantly, everything is at hand. As a rule, everything unnecessary is removed from the taskbar faster, and it clogs up about once a week with active use.
Workspace organizing tools
There are free tools available to help you organize your desktop shortcuts, such as Fences. Fences is suitable for the Windows desktop as a kind of "enclosure" of certain areas in which the user places shortcuts, organizing them as they see fit. The installation process is standard and will not cause difficulties even for inexperienced users. It is recommended that you name the installed "partitions" as they will appear on your desktop. You will be able to move them as you like. In each such partition zone, documents of a certain subject can be folded. This way, you can find the required document much faster. Although some users report periodic crashes of this program, it ultimately depends on the hardware of your computer.
There are other ways to organize your Windows desktop. For example, you can put a thematic picture in a folder with a certain set of documents. Then the mini-icon will appear on the folder, and it will be easier for you to navigate in their abundance, since due to the picture, the folders on the desktop will not seem the same.
Use the VeBest Icon Groups program, with which you can add an unlimited number of convenient and beautiful panels to your desktop. With their help, you can keep your desktop clean and tidy and give it a pleasant look.