A power supply is an adapter that supplies power to your laptop while it is plugged into a network. It is worth noting that such batteries are not intended for self-repair and replacement, so you will have to face some difficulties during disassembly. It is only necessary to disassemble the power supply if it is faulty and produces a small amount of voltage.

scalpel or hammer
Step 1
Open the charging case. Cut off the side filling and using a scalpel, lightly tapping, cut the plastic of the seam. To do this, it is enough to walk only along one side of the block. It is important to correctly determine which side of the memory is an edge and which is a groove. It is necessary to grope for the side that is without the rib.
Step 2
If a scalpel is not available, a hammer can be used to open the device. Wrap the power supply in a towel and tap the seam with a small hammer. The blows should be clear and strong enough for the body to slowly diverge. After tapping, the power supply opens easily, and no damage will remain on the plastic surface.
Step 3
Remove the housing. The power supply is a metal box with boards underneath. Find the cause of the malfunction, namely, check the voltage at the output of the board. If the unit gives the required voltage, then the problem should be looked for in the wire itself or in the plug that is inserted into the laptop.
Step 4
Remove the plastic stopper from the plug and check the integrity of the wires. If the wires are damaged, cut off the unnecessary part and solder the undamaged sections. Insulate each wire carefully.
Step 5
If the disassembly and assembly of the power supply case is carried out carefully, then the damage that occurred during opening will remain almost invisible and the charger will retain its appearance.