It is difficult to imagine working on a computer without typing text information. Minutes, explanatory notes, specifications, contracts, presentations and many other documents, social media and blog posts, emails - all can be typed quickly and efficiently using the method of blind typing on the keyboard.

- - computer;
- - a program that teaches blind typing on the keyboard.
Step 1
Challenge yourself to master the ten-finger blind printing method. This method is most effective when typing on the keyboard, while you save time, and the number of errors in the typed text is gradually reduced.
Step 2
If the program asks you to go through exercises using the "from simple to difficult" method, be patient and complete all the tasks in order. It can take from several days to a year or more to complete all the exercises, everything will depend on your desire to learn how to type and the availability of free time to devote to classes. Follow all the recommendations of the program, do not be lazy to go through exercises in which you work out quickly typing punctuation marks and numbers. They are often found in texts, but at the same time typing them significantly slows down the typing speed, since the corresponding keys on the keyboard are not as convenient as the letters.
Step 3
If your work involves constant typing, get a special ergonomic keyboard. The keys on such a keyboard are divided into two hands, so you will not be confused with which hand and which finger you need to press this or that key. Thanks to the special keyboard design, your hands will be much less tired than typing on a regular keyboard or laptop keyboard, which will also increase your typing speed.
Step 4
Apply the touch typing skills learned with the program. Try to type as much textual information as possible every day. Gradually increase your typing speed, paying attention to the number of errors. If there are more errors, return to the previous speed and reduce the number of errors. Sometimes it is necessary to reduce the typing speed as much as possible so that your fingers can “work out” pressing the necessary keys and do not miss.