Who Are The Teapot, User, Lamer

Who Are The Teapot, User, Lamer
Who Are The Teapot, User, Lamer

Almost every day a person has to deal with new technical innovations, and along with them, specific computer slang is also woven into life. Turning to a programmer for help, of course, you do not need to know highly specialized terms - but at least understand why he called you with annoyance with an incomprehensible word "lamer" you still want to.

Who are the teapot, user, lamer
Who are the teapot, user, lamer

The most offensive thing is to receive a careless "teapot" in your address. This means that you absolutely do not understand anything about modern technologies, and the most serious device that you can be allowed to approach is a stove or that very kettle. Worse, a person of such a characteristic not only "does not know how" to use a computer, but involuntarily spoils it by the very fact of approaching. And if you have already received such a "title", then, probably, it is better to seriously improve your skills in communicating with a computer.

The main thing is, after a few lessons, not to fall into the state of "lamer". This happens if you suddenly get the deceptive feeling that you understand how your PC works. Remember, being able to open an Internet browser is not at all a sufficient indicator that you can proudly talk about your PC skills. The destructive consequences of the lamer's work extend much further than that of teapots: the fault is precisely arrogance, which allows them to "poke" everything that comes to hand.

But if you have enough patience and sanity to avoid arrogance, then you will smoothly move into the proud space of the "user". You can be congratulated: you confidently use all the functions of your computer, you know how to use the Control Panel, and besides, you can master any program you need - by methodically studying the Help section or following the path of trial and error. Your main merit is precisely that you are not ashamed of your own ignorance. Therefore, problems with using a PC still arise, but not as serious as they used to be - after all, before running somewhere for help, you are thoughtfully trying to solve the problem.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in such a classification the highest level is occupied by a “hacker” who can easily fix the most difficult mistakes for you and fix your PC from any of its conditions.
