Often in Windows it is necessary to create a user account that will be invisible to all other users, including the administrator. To do this, you can create a hidden account. To create a hidden user, you need to perform a number of operations.

Step 1
If you need to create a new hidden account, you need to go to the "Start" menu, then to the "Control Panel". There, select "User Accounts" and create a new account by clicking the "Create New Account" button. If you want to hide an existing account, then just remember the corresponding username presented in the "User Accounts" list.
Step 2
From the Start menu, click Run. In the window that appears, enter regedit. This command will launch the Windows Registry Editor.
Step 3
Find the folder located at the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList. If this folder does not exist (this is often the case in Windows 7), create it.
Step 4
In the window displaying the contents of the folder, right-click and select "New" in the menu that appears. Next, select "DWORD Value" and enter the name of the user you want to hide.
Step 5
Right-click on the created entry and select "Modify". In the "Value" field, write "0" (without quotes). A value of "0" indicates that the user is hidden, and "1" indicates that the user will be visible.
Step 6
To log in with a hidden account, change the user or restart your computer. When the welcome screen appears, press Ctrl + alt="Image" + Del twice and enter the login and password of the hidden user in the window that appears.