Sometimes, in order to correctly assess the resources of a personal computer, it is necessary to know exactly the size of its RAM (it is he who is one of the most important characteristics of a computer).

Basically, to the question "How to find out the computer's RAM?" there is more than one answer. One of them is to look at a memory test while the computer is booting. In addition, you can take advantage of the functionality of the Windows operating system. To do this, go to the "My Computer" menu, open the "General" tab (properties), and familiarize yourself with the information specified there. Typically, it indicates the amount of memory and CPU. If you have enough time to start installing additional software on your computer, try installing SiSoft Sandra software, Everest software or similar software to get the most accurate information on your computer's capabilities. If you have a Linux operating system installed, you can use the special utility Tor - it is the dispatcher of all processes occurring in the computer, and with its help you can also find out the size of the device's RAM. If the computer is inoperative, and you need to find out the size of its RAM as soon as possible, you need to remove the side wall of the system unit and look carefully at all the inscriptions or stickers on the computer's memory chips. In principle, the fastest and easiest way of all of the above is to obtain information using the functions inherent in the capabilities of the operating system. But the installation of additional special equipment can be useful not only for determining the size of the RAM - so this step will be useful in the future.