How To Remove Spam

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How To Remove Spam
How To Remove Spam

Video: How To Remove Spam

Video: How To Remove Spam
Video: КАК УДАЛИТЬ СПАМ ВИРУС в Календаре на iPhone /HOW TO REMOVE SPAM VIRUS in Calendar on iPhone or iPad 2024, October

The Internet is a great invention of mankind that solved and solves many problems. People find a huge amount of useful and necessary information in a matter of minutes, communicate with friends they have not seen for several years, and even earn money sitting at home. However, along with all the positive aspects come the negative ones.

How to remove spam
How to remove spam


Step 1

The most global problem is spam, that is, unnecessary information, usually of an advertising nature, which is aimed at motivating, and in most cases even deceiving the user. It is impossible to get rid of it completely, but it is easy to reduce its influence. First, do not register on various kinds of dubious sites. Usually they do not bring you any benefit, but in return they receive the address of your mailbox, which they use for their own purposes, annoying you with constant letters with advertising. If you really need to register, uncheck the "Subscribe to the company newsletter" box only if it is not really important to you. Spam mailing is the most common form of advertising and luring users into questionable projects.

Step 2

If you still receive letters from a specific site, you can always refuse them. At the end of any of the letters, find an inscription, usually in very small print, which invites you to follow the link if you no longer wish to receive the newsletter of this company. If the letter came from a recipient unknown to you, mark it as spam, and the mail client will block this address.

Step 3

If spam constantly arrives at your ICQ number, do the following. First, remember that you shouldn't leave your contacts in various registration forms once again, if it is not required. A mailing address is enough to contact you, and by spreading your personal data all over the Internet, you make yourself worse.

Step 4

Second, enable a spam bot in your ICQ program. To do this, enter a verification question that will be asked to each user trying to send you a message and the answer to it. Naturally, this question should be one to which anyone knows the answer, otherwise even your acquaintances will not be able to write to you.

Step 5

Finally, check the antivirus updates on your computer: most of them have a module that blocks dubious sites and various pop-up messages, which also reduces the likelihood of spam in your direction.
