Pathfinder And Symbol Tools In Adobe Illustrator

Pathfinder And Symbol Tools In Adobe Illustrator
Pathfinder And Symbol Tools In Adobe Illustrator

With the path tools, you can rotate, scale, distort, and deform objects, and with the symbol tools you can create and edit symbol instances.

Pathfinder and Symbol Tools in Adobe Illustrator
Pathfinder and Symbol Tools in Adobe Illustrator

Pathfinder tools

  • Rotate (R) - rotates an object around a given point.
  • Reflect (O) - reflects an object in a given plane.
  • Scale (S) - scales the object from the specified point.
  • Shear - distorts an object relative to a given point.
  • Reshape - Adjusts the individual anchor points.
  • Free Transform (E) - scales, rotates or distorts selected objects.
  • Blend (W) - Creates a series of objects blended between the color and shape of the starting objects.
  • Width (Shift + W) - allows you to create a path with variable width.
  • Warp (Shift + R) - Shapes objects by moving the cursor (like molding clay).
  • Twirl - Creates circular distortions inside the object.
  • Pucker - Pulls the outline of the object towards the cursor.
  • Bloat - pushes the outline of the object away from the cursor.
  • Scallop - Adds random curved detail to the outline of an object.
  • Crystalize - Adds random angular detail to the outline of an object.
  • Wrinkle - Adds wrinkles to the outline of the object.
  • Shape Builder - Combines multiple shapes into one.

Symbol tools

  • Symbol Sprayer (Shift + S) - Spreads multiple instances of a symbol on the artboard.
  • Symbol Shifter - Shifts and rearranges symbol instances.
  • Symbol Scruncher - Moves symbol instances closer or further apart.
  • Symbol Size - resizes symbol instances.
  • Symbol Spinner - rotates symbol instances.
  • Symbol Stainer - Changes the colors of symbol instances.
  • Symbol Screener - Applies transparency to symbol instances.
  • Symbol Styler - Applies the selected style to symbol instances.
