Without much effort, even a layman in computer affairs can create the simplest program. For example, you can write a program to store passwords from sites. You only need one or two evenings and a special program.

Algorithm 2.5
Step 1
First, download the Algorithm 2.5 program. With its help, you can create a simple computer program on your own.
Step 2
Create a folder on your desktop. Give it a name. For example passwords. Open it and create a blank text document. The file extension must be.txt. Give it a name. Now open the Algorithm 2.5 program and save. To do this, open "File", then "save as …" and select the new folder created on the desktop.
Step 3
Add a table. To do this, in the list on the left, click the item “table. It should contain 4 columns: login, password, website. Leave the first column untitled. Set the color to white. Then you need to create a menu. In the same list, select the "menu" item. In the field "text" instead of "Menu1 Item1" write "File".
Step 4
Now right click on "file" and select "add item". Thus, add two points. Do not forget to replace the inscription on the side in the “text” field instead of “menu1 item1”. For the first item write "open", for the second - "save".
Step 5
Next, you need to create events. This is necessary so that when you press the open button, it opens, and when you click save, it is saved. Click on the "file" button and select "open". Then you can create an event. Select the click event. Specify the following sequence in actions: window - window1, object - table1, properties - open table. Do not forget to point to the previously created text document in the "path to file" section. Also create an event for the "save" item.
Step 6
Save the project. Now you can start the program. To do this, click on the green triangle at the top. Enter any data in the table and save. To check if the program is working, close it and start it again. Click open. If the table is filled with the data you entered, everything works. Save the program to.exe.
Step 7
Click "file - create finished program". Save the file to the folder on your desktop that you created in the first step. Now run the file and click "create a ready-made program for free" and follow the link to go to the site. Then click "create exe-file of the program for free" and upload your program to the site. You will receive a download link. Download the program and place it in the same folder.