The process of developing programs is very painstaking and requires perseverance and ingenuity from the programmer, but this is preceded by months or even years of training and programming practice.

Step 1
To get started on your journey to building software, learn the basics of computer science just like a person learns the alphabet before learning to read. Learn the basics of computer science yourself - there are many thematic manuals on the Internet. Understand the essence of information, as well as what operations the computer performs with it.
Step 2
Understand the essence of the commands, since programs are a continuous collection of them. Start with HTML markup language. Of course, this may not be exactly what you are striving for, but by studying HTML, you will understand the principles of operators, the purpose of attributes and the ownership of their values, and you will also understand the mechanisms of interaction of these modules with each other. Gradually include style sheets (CSS), as well as JavaScript and PHP, which are web programming languages.
Step 3
Once you have mastered the basic principles of writing commands correctly and executing them by a machine, move on to more complex programming languages that are used to create serious programs. Such languages have a much wider range of possibilities. Decide on the programming language you want to learn.
Step 4
Sign up for programming courses in order to master the basics of a particular programming language. The purposeful study of one specific language will be desirable. If you want to know more, then learn another language after you have more or less mastered what you started.
Step 5
Constantly reinforce the material you are studying with practice. It is not enough to follow one example on a particular topic. Experimentation and creativity are the keys to a successful programmer. Experiment more with variable values and add various conditional statements. Chat with other programmers, share your experience and learn from the experience of others. Learn and create!