How To Remove A Pimple In Photoshop

How To Remove A Pimple In Photoshop
How To Remove A Pimple In Photoshop

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Photoshop is a powerful image editing tool. With its help, it is not a problem to remove a small pimple from the face in the photo, and there are many ways to do this.

How to remove a pimple in
How to remove a pimple in

The user has a whole set of intuitive tools at their disposal: a patch tool, a clone stamp, a healing brush and a spot healing brush. All of them are as easy to use as possible. It is worth noting that any photo opened in Photoshop has only one layer - the background. If you apply the above tools directly on it, in most cases the changes will be irreversible, so it is advisable to create a new empty layer before starting work. To do this, click on the corresponding icon in the layers palette or click the Shift + Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut. To work with the bookmark, the background must be duplicated by pressing CTRL + J.


To remove a pimple with a patch, select this tool, hover over the problem area and circle it. Then pull a little to the side - to the adjacent, healthy area of the skin. For the operation to be successful, do not forget to select the "content-aware" mode in the panel at the top, then the borders of the patch will be smooth, and the result will be natural.


With the Clone Stamp, you can clone pixels from good areas of skin to an unwanted pimple Move the cursor over the blank area, hold down the alt="Image" key and click the mouse. You have identified the cloning area, now just move the tool over the pimple to be removed and click again. Adjusting the size of the stamp to the size of the pimple is not at all necessary - the stamp works like a brush. It is advisable to right-click on the canvas before cloning and slightly reduce the hardness of the brush - then the edges of the corrected area will not be visible. Since you are working on an empty layer, with the stamp selected, be sure to select the clone source "current and below" from the top panel.

Healing brushes

The Spot Healing Brush is the easiest tool to get rid of pimples, wrinkles and other imperfections. Select the "active and lower" mode, brush over the unwanted area - and you're done. However, if the pimple is located on the border of light and shadow or close to the hairline, the colors will not mix neatly. In this case, you need to use a regular Healing Brush. Select this tool, hold down the alt="Image" key and, by analogy with cloning, select a clean, flat area. After that, click on the pimple. This completes the procedure.
