How To Fix A Document

How To Fix A Document
How To Fix A Document

Table of contents:


Often, when the document has already been signed, it is necessary to correct an annoying typo or put a missing letter. This must be done in order not to spoil the opinion of yourself for those to whom the scanned copy of the document is sent. In the event that a document needs to be sent in hard copy, corrections are impossible, but if you have to send a scanned copy of it, you can always correct errors in the text.

How to fix a document
How to fix a document


Step 1

Often, when the document has already been signed, it is necessary to correct an annoying typo or put a missing letter. This must be done in order not to spoil the opinion of yourself for those to whom the scanned copy of the document is sent. In the event that a document needs to be sent in hard copy, corrections are impossible, but if you have to send a scanned copy of it, you can always correct errors in the text.

Step 2

Open the sheet you want to fix in the Paint editor. If the paper is not white, but a little dark, use the Microsoft editor to lighten the background, and then open it in Paint.

Step 3

Dislocate the place of the typo or the missing character. Use the eraser to erase the unnecessary letter. Make sure that the white mark that remains after the eraser does not stand out against the background of the general background.

Step 4

Use the copy tool. Using this tool, circle the letter that you want to replace the erased one. Copy it and paste it carefully where you cleaned it with the eraser. Make sure that the height of the letter is at the same level as the height of those nearby, and the distance to other letters is equal.

Step 5

Repeat the previous step until you achieve a complete correction of the desired piece of text. After that, check that the color of the letters you inserted matches the color of the others that you did not touch. If you scanned at a good resolution, this shouldn't be a problem. Reduce the document two to three times and save it as a.

Step 6

In order to hide the traces of the adjustment as much as possible, use the JPGtoPDF converter. Convert the image to a pdf file and send it to the sender.
