Torrent is one of the ways to exchange information between people using the Internet. Communication is realized using the P2P protocol, implemented by the American programmer Bram Cohen.

The essence of the torrent is that the file that needs to be distributed to users is not downloaded to a specific server, but transferred directly from the sending computer. Moreover, the distribution also occurs from all users who download the file at the moment. Thus, it is possible to achieve high speed of data exchange without overloading the server.
What is torrenting? It is a complex web that links a huge number of computers simultaneously exchanging files. If you want to distribute a file, then with a high probability in a few hours it will already have a thousand users.
One of the main negative factors associated with torrenting is that users of this network rarely respect copyright when distributing programs, films, music and other materials prohibited for distribution. That is why an active struggle is being waged against such networks.
How to use a torrent? Follow a few simple steps:
- Download a free tracker;
- Find the material you are interested in on specialized sites;
- Download a small file that is the key to gain access;
- Run the program, select the required file, tick the required data and click "OK";
- Wait while the required materials are downloaded to your computer;
- Leave the program running for a while so that other users can use the data.
Do not use torrent to download pirated files, as this violates the laws of the Russian Federation.