The word "update" is derived from the English update and means "update" ("update"). The concept is universal, but it is most widely used in the computer environment to refer to software update processes.

Software update
An update in the software environment is an update to the version of the current software. In this case, the concept can refer to both computer applications and mobile devices. The term "update" can be applied to the process of updating the operating system or firmware (on mobile platforms). As a rule, an update can be made by means of the program itself through the appropriate menu item or section of the system. Each developer who supports their software product regularly releases new updates in order to maintain the stability of the program, fix emerging shortcomings and add new functions to retain the user and improve the application itself.
the Internet
An update on the Internet means updating the data received by a search engine (search engine). Updating the data is done by re-scanning the web page and changing the list of links that are available on the site. These links are displayed on the results page the moment the user uses the search query. After the update, new pages also appear in the search engines. The concept of "update" can be used both in relation to the layout of the page and links, and in relation to updating individual elements of the site (favicon icons, site domain, position of the page relative to other sites in the search results).
Other meanings
The update button ("Refresh") is widely used in programs such as Internet browsers and media players. They are for refreshing and re-scanning the displayed page or library. Often this button is used in Internet browsers to reload a web page on which an error occurred in the display of information.
The UPDATE statement is used in the SQL query language to update entries in specific columns of a data table. UPDATE allows you to update the changes made to the table in order to enter the necessary information into the database.
The concept of "update" (patch) is widely used in games for the purpose of updating and making any changes to the game files. An update usually fixes errors that occur during the game. Most often, patches are released for online games, which do not always work stably and need constant updates or adjustments. Updates improve performance and usability.