A password is a set of characters that is a cornerstone in a wall that keeps users safe on modern electronic devices. Of course, even before the advent of local and global electronic communication networks, passwords played a significant role in maintaining secrecy. But before the number of people concerned about this problem was limited, and today even schoolchildren have access to the network, and now the issues of maintaining personal privacy are the personal concern of hundreds of millions of people.

Step 1
Use online services to generate passwords if you have internet access. This method takes the least amount of time and, as a result, yields a list of the desired length from good quality passwords. In this case, you yourself can adjust most of the parameters that the service scripts will use when creating the list. For example, go to the website https://onlinepasswordgenerator.ru and in the Generator Settings section check the required fields to indicate whether to use numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special characters when creating passwords. In the Password Length field, enter the desired number of characters in each codeword, and then click the Create Password button. The selected settings will be sent to the server, where the script will generate and display a list of ten passwords on the page. Select it and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl + C), and then use it for your own purposes. If a longer list is required, repeat the operation.
Step 2
The script of the service described in the previous step is executed on the server, and the passwords created by it are transmitted via the Internet to your computer. Both of these circumstances reduce the secrecy of passwords by default. It is unlikely that someone will purposefully track your passwords on the server or on the network, but if you want to exclude this possibility, then you should choose a service in which the list is generated using the JavaScript language. This is a "client" language, that is, the script is executed directly in your browser, without sending or receiving anything from the server. One of the services using this type of generator is available at https://pasw.ru. Go to its main page and select the initial settings for generating passwords. In addition to the settings described in the previous step, here you can enter the character set yourself, from which the code words will be created, and also specify the length of the list. Then click on the "Create Password" button. The list will be generated almost instantly, since there will be no sending and receiving of data.
Step 3
Use special programs if you are looking for an alternative to online services. These applications are installed on a computer and usually offer more advanced functionality. For example, choosing Alaborn iPassword PRO, you can generate login / password pairs in one pass.