A computer, like any technical device, has its own expiration date. If you squeeze all the juices out of the computer, then it will lose maximum functionality faster. So, for example, many users, after several years of work, notice that games or programs have begun to work worse, and the OS itself sometimes just freezes while passing the next level of their favorite shooter. What to do in this case?

The computer freezes during the game: what is the reason?
There are only two main reasons for the so-called lags, or freezes: incorrect operation of the OS with this or that application, game, or the physical inability of the computer to process the game's requests, that is, non-compliance with the optimal technical requirements.
Hangs, in turn, can also be divided into three types:
- freezing of the program (application);
- OS freeze;
- shutdown of the computer as a result of a physical failure ("blue screen of death", etc).
Each type of problem is dealt with in a different way. So, for example, in the event of a freeze of the program (game) itself, fixing computer bugs and cleaning the registry most often helps. Application freezes can often be caused by incompatibility between the operating system and the game itself. However, the most common reason for freezing applications is their incorrect installation or damaged files of the game archive itself.
Freezing of the OS during the game can occur as a result of a conflict of certain system libraries that are used in the process. The OS freeze can also be associated with malfunctions in the hard drive, which can only be detected in special service centers.
More often than not, games freeze simply because the machines they run on do not meet the minimum specifications. Overheating of parts or a mismatch between the OS and the game often leads to freezing and braking.
A computer shutdown or hardware failure is most often the result of physical wear and tear of a particular part or its overheating. This happens most often when the application condition for the minimum technical requirements of the machine is not met, and the machine, in turn, does not have an acceptable cooling system.
Prevention of OS "health" as a way to get rid of freezes during the game
Often times, games or applications freeze up because the computer's random access memory (RAM) is occupied by other applications that are not related to the game process. In this case, you need to clean it by removing all unnecessary programs.
To avoid problems during the game, you need to regularly clean the computer registry and remove unnecessary programs from the "Autorun" list - they load the computer's RAM, while for the most part they are unused or useless in principle.