Not every owner of a personal computer is ready to regularly spend money on updating components. Naturally, if you do not do this, then playing modern games simply will not work, but there will always be those that can be run even on a weak computer.

Popular shooters
On a weak PC, you can install various shooters (Doom, Quake, Counter-Strike), released in the recent past. It may seem that these games have long gone out of fashion and it will not be interesting to play them, but in fact this is not at all the case. Many people still play these shooters not without pleasure. If you want something fresh, then on the Internet you can find games such as K. O. S, Crossfire, CombatArms or PB. They have low system resource requirements, so they can be run on minimal settings even on a weak computer.
Of course, you can play simple sandboxes like Minecraft. This game has quite simple graphics that will allow you to fully prostalgia the times of such consoles as Sega or Dendy. A single core processor and 512 MB of RAM are enough to run this game. Unfortunately, mainly among this genre it will be quite problematic to find some kind of analogue with insignificant system requirements.
It is also worth mentioning such a genre as strategy. Now there are a huge number of very different games of this genre and, for sure, everyone will find something to their liking. For example, you can buy and install series of games such as Tropico 3, Heroes of Might and Magic 4, Diablo 2, Command and Conquer series. The first parts of these series appeared quite a long time ago, but to this day they remain popular. For all these games, a weak computer with at least 512 megabytes of RAM with a single-core processor with a frequency of at least 2.4 GHz and a video card with support for shaders 3.0 is quite suitable.
Client and browser games
Don't forget about client games. For example, you can download and install Lineage 2, Cabal-online and other MMORPGs. All of them have fairly simple system requirements, which will allow them to run even on a weak personal computer. Such requirements are primarily due to the fact that such games are multiplayer and the developers sacrificed graphics in them and focused on the number of players.
In any case, even any client game will consume a certain amount of resources. Browser games, in turn, only use the browser. As a result, it turns out that they will be the best way out in this situation. They do not require anything from the computer, except for the presence of the browser itself and an installed application to run Java.