It is not always possible to find the computer you need in a store. In this case, two options remain: to assemble the necessary system yourself or order its assembly in a particular company or from a private master. Both in the first and in the second case, there are nuances that must be taken into account.

If you decide to assemble the computer yourself, first evaluate the appropriateness of this decision. The benefit will be quite small, in the region of two thousand rubles. At the same time, there is a great risk of doing something wrong and disabling expensive components. But if you believe in yourself, then you need to purchase high-quality components at the lowest possible prices. The best option for Moscow is the Savelovsky radio market, Mitinsky and Gorbushka.
When buying components, you must clearly understand their average cost so as not to purchase at an overpriced price. It is unlikely that you will be able to find components cheaper than on the radio markets, but it must be borne in mind that the risk of buying defective elements is much higher here. However, sellers, as a rule, replace substandard parts without any questions.
It is worth noting that you can order a ready-made computer in the configuration you need from sellers on the radio markets, at a cost it will cost about the same amount that you will spend on the purchase of components separately. Therefore, self-assembly in this case does not make much sense - let the master do it. In this case, you are at least guaranteed the initial performance of your computer.
You can also order a computer assembly from companies selling computer equipment. In this case, the price of the finished system will be higher than when ordering on the radio market, but the quality will also be higher. However, practice shows that computers assembled from parts purchased on the radio market can work well for many years. The main thing here is to choose the right configuration. You should know exactly what kind of motherboard you need, what kind of processor it will have, what memory modules you need to install in it. Select in advance the required video card model, etc. etc. Describe everything very accurately - in this case, you will avoid many problems. In particular, the master assembling the computer will no longer slip you outdated components. The more accurately you describe the task, the better the result will be.
Does it make sense to build a computer yourself? Yes, but only if you want to understand this issue, if you like computer technology. When the computer, assembled by your hands, starts to work, it is very pleasant. What used to be a bunch of details suddenly comes to life - you put an operating system on the assembled computer, configure it as needed. Even the attitude towards this computer will be different - after all, it was you who gave it life. Such a computer will give you a much more pleasant experience than one bought in a store.