How To Replace Period With Comma In Excel

How To Replace Period With Comma In Excel
How To Replace Period With Comma In Excel

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Period and comma can act as a decimal separator. In most English-speaking countries, a period is used as such a separator, and in Russia, a comma. This is often associated with the need to replace periods with commas in the spreadsheet editor Microsoft Office Excel.

How to replace period with comma in Excel
How to replace period with comma in Excel

It is necessary

Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet editor


Step 1

If point is set as a decimal separator in the settings of your spreadsheet editor, then you can change this in one of the sections of the Excel settings panel. To get to it, open the application menu. This can be done by pressing the Alt key, and after it - the "F" button. In the Excel 2010 menu, Options is placed in the penultimate line of the command list, and in Excel 2007, the Excel Options button is in the lower-right corner of the menu.

Step 2

Select the line "Advanced" in the left column of the settings panel and in the section "Editing options" find the line "Use system separators". If there is a mark in the checkbox next to this label, then the required field "Separator of integer and fractional parts" cannot be edited. Remove it, put a comma in the text field and click the OK button to commit the change to the editor settings.

Step 3

If you need to replace a comma in a specific cell in a spreadsheet, there are several ways to do this. First, select the desired cell, then turn on the editing mode - press the F2 key or double-click this cell. Move the cursor to point and replace it with a comma. The same can be done not in a cell, but in the formula bar - there, one click is enough to enable editing mode.

Step 4

To completely replace all periods with commas in all cells of the spreadsheet, use the Find and Replace dialog. To call it, there are "hot keys" Ctrl + H and the item "Replace" in the drop-down list of the button "Find and select" - it is placed in the group of commands "editing" on the "Home" tab.

Step 5

In the "Find" field of the Find and Replace dialog, put a period, and a comma in the "Replace with" field. If it is enough to apply this operation only on the current sheet of the document, click the "Replace All" button and Excel will start executing the command. To replace on all sheets of an open document, press the "Options" button, set the value "in the book" in the drop-down list next to the "Search" inscription, and only then click on the "Replace all" button.
