No matter how ingenious an inventor, programmer or rationalizer may be, sometimes his creations simply cannot be used for their intended purpose. The reason for this is the incorrectly drawn up instruction manual or its complete absence. But even ingenious inventors sometimes write such instructions that, apart from narrow specialists, no one can read these papers. So how do you properly draw up such a necessary document?

It is necessary
- - one hundred percent knowledge of the device or software product for which the manual is being written;
- - knowledge in the field of linguistics;
- - writing skills.
Step 1
A user manual or, in other words, an operation manual is a document designed to provide assistance in using a certain system to its users. To compile a user manual, you need to know the described system one hundred percent, but look at it through the eyes of an ignorant student. Suppose a user manual is written for a software utility that has no analogues yet. Imagine this is the first time you have encountered this program. Where do you start? What is the first thing to know? Organize this knowledge into categories of importance.
Step 2
By dividing all the information regarding your creation into groups, you have drawn up a plan for writing a user manual. Start describing the work in your program from scratch, leaving for last the most difficult details, such as reprogramming features or dealing with critical errors. At this stage, you should have the content of the user manual ready - one of the required parts of this document.
Step 3
If the manual you are creating is intended for use in a large company, then you should pay attention to the corporate standards adopted there. For example, in many Russian companies, user manuals are not accepted without illustrative support, in other words, pictures that explain what is written. In addition to the content, the user manual should contain other mandatory parts: - Annotation, that is, an explanation of the general objectives of the manual and the product described; - an introduction, which describes the documents related to the user manual and how to use the manual; - sections explaining the use of the product on different stages of its use, for example, first steps, repair or maintenance; - section of frequently asked questions and answers to them; - glossary or subject index.
Step 4
Usually, a technical writer is involved in the creation of a user manual - a person who has all the necessary knowledge both in the language and in the product being described. There are a few rules to keep in mind when engaging in the activity of a technical writer without proper training. Firstly, you should not abuse special terms that are not understandable for an ordinary user. Secondly, each term used should be detailed and explained. Thirdly, you need to write as clearly and concisely as possible. Finally, a technical writer must be able to look at their own text through the eyes of an ordinary user in order to see the flaws of their own text.
Step 5
It is good to test the finished text of the user manual in practice by offering it to a person who had nothing to do with the described product. By joint efforts it is possible to eliminate all the shortcomings and pitfalls of the document.