The use of hot keys allows the user of a personal computer to more effectively implement the capabilities of the device and solve certain issues depending on the tasks. Combinations of different keys on the keyboard allow you to perform various functions without unnecessary manipulation.

It is especially convenient to use hot keys when working on a laptop, since this is a mobile version of a computer and it is used practically in various places - in transport, on the street, in a cafe or in places of recreation, and not only at home or at work. Therefore, if the hotkeys do not work, the process of work slows down and its efficiency decreases. Sometimes there are situations when when using hotkeys, a function is not executed. One of the most common reasons is the infection of your computer with viruses. Usually, in this case, problems arise in the operation of various programs and applications to them. It is recommended to restore the normal operation of the computer by cleaning the system from viruses using a good antivirus program, and if this does not work, format the hard drive and then reinstall the system. On laptops, where a special Fn key is used to work with hot keys, the reason for the failure of hot keys is the installed operating systems and drivers of other versions, different from those installed by the manufacturer. In this case, the native OS is reinstalled with the appropriate drivers, or the new installed operating system is fine-tuned. If this does not give the desired result, then a special utility is installed - the hotkey manager - and the necessary shortcuts are manually assigned in it. Hot keys in Windows sometimes temporarily or completely stop working, which is a feature of this operating system, since it shares keyboard shortcuts. to local, global for a specific program and global for the operating system. This feature of the system sometimes leads to the fact that the global combination used in different programs will perform its functions only in one of them, while in others it will not work, the so-called interception of commands occurs. In some programs, hotkeys do not work in the Russian layout keyboard, you must switch to English. Modern multimedia keyboards have additional non-standard buttons for controlling multimedia, calling some programs ("Calculator", "Word"), etc. These keys, as a rule, can be programmed. In some types of such keyboards, hotkeys may not work or work incorrectly.