A folder on a computer is a kind of container for storing various data. Folders are convenient to use when you need to organize content on local drives or removable media, collect the necessary folders and files in one place. The peculiarities of working with folders and their appearance will depend on which settings are selected.

Folders can be opened in the same window or in a new one each time. The folder Properties component is responsible for displaying and opening folders. To open it, open the "Control Panel" through the "Start" menu, and select the "Folder Options" icon in the "Appearance and Themes" category by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
This component can be called in another way. Open any folder saved on your computer and select Tools from the top menu bar. In the drop-down menu, click on the item "Folder Options" with the left mouse button. A new dialog box will open.
Go to the "General" tab in the window that opens. The parameters set in the "Browse for folders" group are responsible for how the folders on your computer will open. If you do not want each new folder to open in a new window, set the marker in the box opposite the "Open folders in the same window" item.
Click on the "Apply" button for the new settings to take effect. If you want to set additional options for displaying folders, go to the "View" tab. On this tab, set or uncheck the marker in the fields that, in your opinion, will make your work on the computer more comfortable. Apply the new settings, close the "Folder Options" window by clicking the OK button or the [x] icon in the upper right corner of the window.
Another component is responsible for the design (appearance) of the folders. To, for example, change the icon of a folder, right-click on the folder you need. Select Properties from the drop-down menu and a new dialog box will open.
Go to the "Settings" tab and in the "Folder icons" group click on the "Change icon" button. In additionally opened window "Change icon for folder [name of your folder]" select an icon from the suggested thumbnails. If you want to install your own icon, click on the "Browse" button and specify the path to the required file. Click on the OK button in the icon change window, in the properties window click on the "Apply" button and close the window.