How To Reset Asus Zenbook To Factory Settings

How To Reset Asus Zenbook To Factory Settings
How To Reset Asus Zenbook To Factory Settings

Even the most expensive and powerful laptops can start to work poorly, they can display various annoying ads, new applications that have been installed by themselves and other nasty viruses. In such a case, one of the easiest solutions is to return the laptop to factory settings.

How to reset asus zenbook to factory settings
How to reset asus zenbook to factory settings

Preparing for recovery

Since all laptops in the zenbook line are preinstalled with the windows 10 operating system, you do not need any additional devices or programs to restore your asus zenbook to the factory state. All the functions we need are already included in the laptop operating system. Therefore, it will be enough to use only the asus laptop itself and a little time. This instruction can be used, for example, for Lenovo or HP laptops, if they have windows 10 installed.

First of all, you need to follow two simple steps:

  • Save the data of the applications you need, since all applications and their data will be permanently deleted (with the exception of applications installed through the microsoft store).
  • Connect the power cord to the laptop so that it does not turn off at the most inopportune moment. (And it's even better to additionally charge the laptop before that, because if the electricity is suddenly turned off, the laptop may also not be able to complete its task.)

After you have saved the application data and connected the laptop to power, you can proceed directly to restoring the asus zenbook to factory settings.

Restore to factory settings

In order to return the asus zenbook to factory settings, we need to perform almost the same series of actions as in the case of Android-based devices (that is, with your smartphones, tablets and, possibly, set-top boxes), so first we need to go to the system settings:

  1. Open the start menu by clicking on the "win" button on your keyboard (or by hovering over the windows icon and clicking on it).
  2. Click on the gear icon (menu "options") on the left side of the window that opens.

So, going into the settings, we need to go to the "System Restore" item:

  1. Open the Update & Security menu.
  2. Go to the "Recovery" submenu.

After that, little remains to be done. For those who have already restored their android device to factory settings, everything else should be familiar, since then restoring a laptop will proceed in the same way as restoring a smartphone or tablet. To start recovery, we need to do a couple of simple steps:

  1. Click the "start" button on the right side of the window.
  2. In the window that opens, select the parameter you need from the two presented:

    • "Keep my files" - saves all your personal data such as photos, videos, text documents.
    • "Delete All" - erases all information from the laptop, including your personal data.
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking the "next" button. (if there is no such button, skip this step).
  4. Press the "factory" or "reset" button (depending on the system version). Attention: it will be impossible to cancel the process after clicking.

Now we just have to wait for the laptop to finish the recovery process. During this process, the laptop may reboot several times. Attention: during recovery, never turn off the laptop, as this may damage it.

Preparation for use

After the asus zenbook is back to factory condition, you just have to prepare it for use. Follow these simple steps:

  • Check if all laptop problems that were before the hard reset are gone. If any problems remain, it is recommended to additionally check the computer with an anti-virus program (for example, DrWeb Cureit).
  • Install the applications you are using as they should have all been removed during the reset.
  • Restore previously saved application data, if any.

After the performed manipulations, the laptop should work as the manufacturer originally intended. But in order for the need for such a procedure to no longer appear, it is better to install any antivirus on your computer that will protect you from all unwanted programs.
