An Easy Way To Increase Windows Performance

An Easy Way To Increase Windows Performance
An Easy Way To Increase Windows Performance

Operating system performance may decrease over time. Windows open slowly, the launch speed of programs slows down, so you often want to reinstall Windows. But this is not always justified, it is enough to make a number of simple settings.

An easy way to increase Windows performance
An easy way to increase Windows performance

To complete the settings, your account must have administrator rights.

On the desktop, find the icon with the name "My Computer", mark it with the mouse and press the right mouse button and activate the "Properties" menu item. In the Windows XP window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. In Windows 7, click on the "Advanced system settings" link, in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. Next, in the "Performance" area, click on the "Options" button.

Go to the "Visual Effects" tab and select the "Provide Best Performance" radio button. On the "Advanced" tab, put the switch in the "Optimize: programs" position. Then click the "OK" buttons in the two windows, respectively.

As a result, a lot of visual effects will be disabled when working with windows and desktop design. This will significantly increase the speed of opening windows and reduce the load on the video card and RAM. And you don't have to deal with reinstalling the operating system.
