Browser games are pretty easy to make. The only problem is the imagination of the authors, since at the moment there are a lot of such games, most of them are of the same type and do not represent anything interesting.

It is necessary
- - drawing skills;
- - programming skills.
Step 1
Select the genre of the game. Make a choice of the style of its appearance, periodically make sketches and write the code in parts, depending on what at some point came to your mind. Even though ideas are written in code, the process is still more creative, so treat it accordingly.
Step 2
Try not to think over everything at once, if you can't do it, everything will come with time. If you have trouble executing ideas for your game, improve your programming skills by reading related literature on writing programs on your platform of choice.
Step 3
As you write your game, think about the interface details as well. Here you will need the skills of an artist, if you do not have them, you can always turn to those who will "draw" your ideas for you. The same applies to the part with the code - it is relatively easy to find a programmer or web designer on the Internet who would agree to write a flash game for you for a certain amount, however, do not be afraid to learn new things and learn to create everything yourself, there is nothing difficult here. …
Step 4
Check the game you wrote by first running it on your computer. Perform the necessary steps to debug the application, it may take a long time. When the game is finally finalized, upload it to your pre-selected server. Always keep the source, as new faults may emerge along the way.
Step 5
Also, before publishing a browser game, it is worth checking it on most well-known browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, Netscape, and so on. If no bugs are found, launch the game on the Internet. Please note that placing an application on certain resources requires prior agreement with its owner.