If translation is needed constantly and outside the browser, you can use the help of special programs. This is convenient if, for example, you often have to work with foreign-language documents or communicate with foreigners in ICQ or in a mailer.

On the Internet, you can find very convenient services for instant machine translation. Among them are the famous "Promt" and translators from Google and Yandex. It is enough to enter a word, phrase or whole text and select the language.
Translators on websites are not convenient for everyone. For lovers of isolation, there are special programs. They can be divided into two types.
The first type is programs that can translate without access to the Internet; they have a built-in dictionary or dictionaries that are consulted to complete a task. The convenience of such programs is that they can help you anywhere, regardless of network access. The disadvantage is that this type of utilities is usually paid (since it includes extensive dictionaries). The cost ranges from 100 to 35,000 rubles, depending on the quality and functionality of the software, the number and volume of dictionaries. Programs with dictionaries are relatively large (from 150 MB to 1-4 GB). Examples of such programs are various versions from the Promt company.
The second type is represented by lighter translators (from several kilobytes to tens of megabytes) and free. Such programs do not have built-in dictionaries, but request text translation on the Internet using the services mentioned earlier. The only drawback is the need to connect to the internet every time you enter text. The creation of these translators is very simple, since for their functioning, it is enough to redirect the request to translation services and return the response to the monitor screen.
The most convenient one can be attributed to Dictionary. NET, which allows the user to work with translation into many languages (back and forth) with one click of the mouse, use a Google dictionary. Quite operative, finely tuned and has a very modest size of 300 Kb. QTranslate is a program similar to the previous one, but in addition to Google, it can use Promt - and Yandex translators (and a number of less popular translation services). Moreover, the volume of the program is approximately the same. Dicter is a "heavier" version (15 MB), but functional and pleasant in appearance.