Data recovery from a flash drive, memory card. Description of work on data recovery from damaged flash drives (USB-flash, SD / microSD, CF memory cards) and SSD disks. How can the lost information be returned from a medium that is not recognized by the system, or is mechanically damaged. The article tells how the specialists of the data recovery laboratory rescue hopelessly lost files from popular media - flash drives and memory cards.

Hardware and software complex for data recovery, available in the Inter Laboratory; knowledge and experience available from the laboratory specialists
Step 1
We find out the reason why the flash drive is not detected by the computer. To do this, first open the "device manager" and look for your USB flash drive (memory card) among the disk devices. If you find it, go to the "disk manager" and see how much the flash drive has been identified. If the flash drive is not among the disk devices, or the wrong size is indicated in the disk manager (much less, more, or a message like "no media"), proceed to the second step. If the carrier was correctly identified by the system, then most likely a logical malfunction and can be solved programmatically.
Step 2
We open the case of the flash drive and determine what it consists of and whether it can be unsoldered to recover data. We unsolder (namely, unsolder the memory chips, as you can see in the picture to the article) the flash drive and read the contents of the flash drive with the programmer.
Step 3
We analyze the contents of the memory dump (a file with the "raw" contents of memory chips), separate user data from service information, perform the necessary transformations with user data: check the presence of inversion, transformations within a page, operations on several pages, etc. We form blocks from the dump for the subsequent assembly of the virtual image.
Step 4
We determine the assembly algorithm inherent in this type of controller and the parameters for assembling the finished image from separate blocks. We collect the virtual image and save the resulting result (user data). As a result, we have: a flash drive (or memory card) disassembled into parts, which is unlikely to be repaired anyway, and given their rather low cost, the carrier can be neglected, plus the saved data!