To date, there are products designed specifically to protect fabric and containing wax. Thanks to this, suede clothing can last for many years. However, paraffin wax from an ordinary candle can cause a lot of trouble, because it is rather difficult to remove it from suede.

- - ammonia;
- - wine alcohol;
- - gasoline;
- - oxalic acid;
- - soda;
- - milk;
- - water;
- - soap solution;
- - paper towels;
- - iron;
- - knife.
Step 1
First, use a knife to remove all the wax. If the wax is too soft, store your clothes in the freezer for a few hours. During this time, the wax will have time to harden. Accordingly, it will be easier to scrape it off.
Step 2
In the event that you were unable to completely clean the product, attach one of the paper towels to it. Then run over the stain with a hot iron. The high temperature will melt the wax and absorb it into the paper. Change the napkin from time to time in order to clean the suede from paraffin as much as possible. During this procedure, do not put the iron on the fabric, but apply the suede to the iron.
Step 3
Steam can be used to remove wax stains from suede. Hold the damaged product over it for a few minutes, then use a special brush to clean the remaining dirt. If this does not help, walk over the fabric with a rag that was previously soaked in soapy water and ammonia (500 ml and 1 teaspoon, respectively). The final touch will be the treatment of the product with water-repellent agents.
Step 4
If the product is too dirty, use a special composition that contains 5 ml of gasoline, 10 ml of wine and 35 ml of ammonia. However, never rub the resulting solution into the wax stain.
Step 5
When buying suede clothing or shoes, you must remember that such products require more delicate care. That is why you should not wear such things in the rain. In order to bring back the color to your favorite suede clothes, use simple milk mixed with a little baking soda.
Step 6
In conclusion, it is worth giving another recipe for removing wax stains from suede: add 10 ml of oxalic acid, 20 g of soda or ammonia to 300 ml of water.