Thermal paste is a multicomponent plastic substance with high thermal conductivity. The processor heats up when the computer is in operation; to prevent overheating, its cover must fit snugly against the surface of the heatsink heatsink. In reality, microscopic air voids are formed between them, creating conditions for poor thermal conductivity. Thermal grease brings these elements into contact, closes voids and displaces air.

- - screwdriver;
- - cotton pads;
- - ear sticks;
- - thermal paste;
- - a plastic card.
Step 1
During operation, the thermal paste dries and lubricates, forming voids. As a result, it does not fulfill its function. Replacement of the paste is required in the following cases:
- for the purpose of prevention, once every six months;
- when the operating temperature of the processor rises.
Step 2
The choice of thermal paste.
Thermal grease can have the following composition:
- oil (mineral or synthetic) and powders of metals such as silver, tungsten or copper;
- oil and oxides of metals such as zinc or aluminum;
- oil and microcrystals.
It is impossible to make thermal paste yourself, however, it is sold in all computer stores and service centers.
Step 3
The main characteristic of thermal paste, which is worth paying attention to in the first place, is thermal conductivity. The minimum indicator is 0.7 W / (m • K), but such a paste is hardly suitable for a powerful processor. Some manufacturers declare data on thermal conductivity up to 10 W / m • K. The second important indicator of the quality of thermal paste is the operating temperature. It indicates in which range the paste will maintain its declared properties. Another indicator is density. The higher it is, the more crushed the particles that make up the thermal paste.
Step 4
Replacement of thermal paste.
Turn off the power of the computer, if you have a laptop - remove the battery as well. You should also disconnect all peripherals: keyboard, mouse, stereo, etc. Disassemble your laptop (computer) according to the instructions supplied with it. Locate the cooler and heat sink grille. Disassemble them using a screwdriver. Remove accumulated dust and old thermal paste using regular cotton pads. Ear sticks will help you to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places.

Step 5
Apply a small amount of new thermal paste to the processor die. You can spread the paste over the surface with your finger, however, to create the desired layer, about 0.3 mm, you need a plastic card. Some manufacturers offer special plates with thermal paste. With the help of a plate, you can remove excess.
Step 6
While the cooling system is disassembled, you can lubricate the cooler fan with machine oil. Remove old grease residue with an ear stick. Then, using a wooden toothpick, drip a couple of drops of oil. This will reduce friction, increase cooling performance, and reduce fan noise.
Now you need to return everything to its place and close the computer or laptop case.