In order for the computer to serve for a long time and efficiently, it is necessary to monitor some parameters that directly affect its operation. Frequent overheating can temporarily damage the electronic device or cause damage. To prevent problems, you need to know why the computer is heating up.

Almost all devices in the system unit are susceptible to overheating, but some of them can be severely damaged by high temperatures. Most often, the problem occurs at the physical, not software level. Only on especially hot summer days does the computer overheat due to extensive and complex tasks that serious programs solve for a very long time. Usually, the main reasons are dust, poor air circulation or low fan power.
Dustiness of parts
In order to determine the cause of overheating, most often it is enough to open the lid of the system unit and see what is going on inside. If the physical "cleaning" of the computer has not been carried out for the last few months, then you can safely take up the vacuum cleaner and remove the thick layer of dust that has settled on the boards. It was he who caused the malfunction.
Covering parts, dust interferes with the natural heat exchange of the devices, which entails their rapid heating. The same problem occurs when various particles clog the fins of the cooling radiators, fan blades and, in general, all openings and space.
To restore the computer's performance, it is enough to dry clean all the components. Using a vacuum cleaner at low power, you need to carefully remove the existing dirt. At the same time, it is advisable to remove the most important devices from the motherboard, and thoroughly purge their connectors.
Lack of thermal paste
To determine this reason for the temperature rise, you will have to remove the fan and cooling system (cooler) from the processor. Between this design and the chip itself, there must be a special thermal paste to prevent overheating problems.
If the paste layer has become thinner or disappeared altogether, you need to buy a new tube of the product from a computer store. After applying the parts to the right places, the processor will work stably.
Poor cooling
For high-quality air circulation and good heat transfer, it is necessary to install fans of appropriate power. After many years of use, this device may not be able to cope with its duties.
Therefore, if extraneous noise is heard in the cooler's operation, it periodically stops or physical damage appears, then you just need to replace it with a newer or more powerful model. The same goes for the video card. This device, due to heavy loads, for example, resource-intensive games, may require an improvement in the cooling system.
You can find out the temperature of the processor using various programs, but the easiest way is to go into the BIOS and in the "Power" section find the "CPU Temperature" parameter, which will reflect this information. If the numbers go off scale, the computer must be turned off urgently and dealt with the causes of overheating.