How To Remove Denwer From Computer

How To Remove Denwer From Computer
How To Remove Denwer From Computer

Denwer is one of the most famous software packages for running a local server on a computer. Denwer provides a ready-made solution that, without additional manual configuration, allows you to run Apache in conjunction with PHP and MySQL, for example, to test the operation of a website being created.

How to remove denwer from computer
How to remove denwer from computer


The Denwer package is completely self-contained. Thus, it does not leave additional links and files in the system, except for those documents that are located in the server's working folder. To completely uninstall the server, all installed scripts and sites, you will only need to delete the directory where Denwer is located via Explorer or any file manager. "Explorer" is invoked by double-clicking on the "Computer" desktop icon (Windows 8) or by going through the "Start" - "Computer" menu in systems released before Windows 7.

You can also remove shortcuts to start the server from the desktop and from the Startup folder.

The server directory is located in the "Local drive C:" folder - WebServers. The folder name may have changed during the installation process. Thus, if during installation you changed the directory for storing server files on your computer, delete the folder you specified earlier.

Before uninstalling, you should stop the service using the appropriate shortcut on the desktop or through the control panel implemented in the system tray located in the lower right corner of the Windows window. Right-click on the Apache icon and in the context menu that appears, click the Stop button or run the Stop.exe shortcut on your desktop. The shortcut can also be found in the denwer subdirectory of your server folder.

If an error occurs during the uninstallation process or you did not perform a graceful shutdown before uninstalling Denwer, you will have to clean the hosts file. To do this, go to "Computer" - "Local drive C:" - Windows - System32 - drivers - etc. In the directory that appears, open the hosts file and delete all unnecessary data written in the file, leaving the comments below, marked with a hash (#) symbol on each new line.

If, after reinstalling, you encounter problems with the functioning of the server on your computer, you can use alternative virtual server packages (for example, XAMPP).

Downloading a new version

The new version of Denwer can be downloaded from the official website of the project. The package is installed automatically by running the downloaded executable file. Following the instructions on the screen, you can perform the initial configuration of your server and set the most important security parameters. After installation, the server will start automatically, and all configuration files will be located in the directory specified during the installation process.
