There is always a danger of losing the entire configured operating system along with all the settings at once, for example, due to a hard disk failure. On the other hand, when reinstalling the operating system, you always want to save your settings and not waste time restoring them. Fortunately, there are tools to help you do this.

Step 1
To transfer data and settings from one version of the operating system to another, you can use the Windows built-in data transfer tool. It will transfer settings and data, but will not transfer programs, you will have to install them yourself.
Step 2
NTBackup saves user files and folders as plain text files that can be edited with notepad. The program can make a complete image of your system and is able to notice changes in the hardware configuration.
Step 3
COMODO Backup offers a full functional set of backup and file synchronization, differs in ease of setup and is absolutely free.