How To Remove The Validation Of A Vkontakte Account

How To Remove The Validation Of A Vkontakte Account
How To Remove The Validation Of A Vkontakte Account

The unexpectedly appeared account validation window when opening your page on the social network "Vkontakte" suggests that the page has been hacked or the computer is infected with a virus. However, do not immediately call the master or panic. With the help of the account validation function, the Vkontakte social network protects the personal data of its users and is a common password recovery procedure. But false validation requests do occur, and this situation is worth considering in detail.

How to remove account validation
How to remove account validation

What is account validation

To register on the Vkontakte social network, change the password or nickname, the VK administration asks for the phone number to which the page is linked. If the password is changed or entered incorrectly, an SMS message with a code will be sent to this number, which will help to restore user data. Quite a long time ago, this procedure became mandatory and is designed to protect users from fraudsters, leakage of funds, as well as the consequences of viruses. In the validation window, there can be no lines in which SMS messages should be entered, as well as offers to send this SMS to any number. Validation is not a virus, but rather a profile protection tool and completely free feature.

But under the guise of account validation, fraudsters may disguise their actions, or it may be a sign of a malicious virus. The first thing that should alert you is a request for your data (login, password, etc.) via SMS. The Vkontakte administration never does this. It's a virus!

How to check that VK account validation is a virus

The easiest way to make sure that a virus is operating on a page is to try to access the social network through any other device, such as a tablet or smartphone. If the page opens and no windows with a validation request appear, then the virus has chosen your account for its harmful actions.

When there are no other devices at hand, the check can be carried out from your computer through an anonymizer, for example, This link will allow anonymous browsing of the site. Free access to your page in this case once again confirms that doubts are unnecessary, a virus has wound up in the computer. He could appear for various reasons. You can "catch" a virus by downloading various computer programs or games on the Internet, as well as by walking on dubious, unverified links and sites.

How to remove the "account validation" virus "VKontakte"

As a rule, viruses that serve as guides to other sites, often fraudulent, deny access or hide under the guise of account validation, violate the hosts file. Most likely it will have to be edited manually. But the first step is to try to "treat" with antivirus programs. Dr. Web Curelt and AVZ utilities are effective. In most cases, they will be able to recognize the virus, and they will need to try to remove it. After that, you should restart your computer and try to enter Vkontakte again.

If the antiviruses do not help, you can try to clear or delete the hosts file. It is located in C: / Windows / system32 / Drivers / Etc. After deleting unnecessary lines in it, you need to save the cleaned version of the file and restart your computer.

It may also happen that the above actions are useless, and account validation still continues to interfere with the entrance to the Vkontakte site. This means that everything is much more serious than it might seem at first glance, and an experienced wizard or reinstallation of the Windows operating system will help solve the problem.
