How To Make A Frame For A Thesis In A Word

How To Make A Frame For A Thesis In A Word
How To Make A Frame For A Thesis In A Word

For the design of term papers and theses, the presence of a standard frame in the document is always required. You can do it in Microsoft Word itself without any third-party programs.

How to make a frame for a thesis in a Word
How to make a frame for a thesis in a Word

The first part of the frame

Often, students, when drawing up diploma, coursework, laboratory and other similar documents, need to insert a standard frame in accordance with GOST into Word. You can use AutoCAD to draw a frame in it, and then import it into a text document. But this is not the most convenient way, since not everyone knows how to use AutoCAD.

It is much easier to create such a frame in the MSWord program itself - using headers and footers. But first you need to correctly arrange the worksheet.

Before adjusting the page parameters, you must first set the units in centimeters. To do this, select the "File" item in the menu bar, then "Options" - "Additional" - "Screen" - "Units of measurement" and select "Centimeters" in the required field.

Then you need to open the "Page Layout" menu, go to the "Fields" - "Custom Fields" section and set all the required parameters.

After that, you can proceed to the frame itself. You need to select the "Page Layout" item in the menu, and the "Page Borders" button will appear on the right side of the menu bar. This will open the "Borders and Fill" window.

There are various options for the design of frames (bold, dashed lines, etc.), you can specify the width of the frame, the offset from the border of the sheet, etc. We choose a strict black frame for the thesis and click “OK”.

Second part of the frame

The rest of the frame can be inserted through the headers and footers. Why is it so? Since we need a frame on every page, so as not to copy it manually each time, you can use the footer.

The header and footer in MSWord allows you to place text or an object in the top, bottom or side margins and duplicate it on each page. An example of a header or footer would be a page number in a document.

First, you need to draw the table you need with all the fields (full name of the teacher, full name of the student, date of delivery, etc.). This can be done, for example, in Excel or in Word itself using the drawing tools (or through the "Table" - "Draw Table" menu).

Then, to turn on the visibility of headers and footers, you need to select in the menu bar "View" - "Headers and footers". And we insert the drawn table into the footer so that the fields of the table are in contact with the frame drawn earlier.

That's all - the frame is ready. On each new page, both the frame and the table in the footer will be automatically duplicated.
