Refilling printer cartridges is now available in almost every city, however, you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of third-party service centers, provided that you carefully read the instructions for refilling.

- - a special set of toner and a new chipset for the phaser 3100mfp;
- - flat and Phillips screwdrivers.
Step 1
Open the cover of the printing device and remove the cartridge from the printer. Prepare your work surface, it is best to cover it with a cloth, so that later you can easily remove the powder and not lose small parts. Please note that you will have to work with toner, which in no case should enter your respiratory tract.
Step 2
Remove any bolts you can see outside of the cartridge. Remove the cartridge cover while holding the inner springs. Clean its container from toner residues with a slightly damp, soft, lint-free cloth. Do the same with the rest of the cartridge, otherwise ugly marks and streaks will remain on your documents.
Step 3
Change the cartridge chip strictly following the instructions contained in the kit. This is necessary so that the device does not recognize it as empty. If you are not sure that you can do it yourself, contact the services of specialists of service centers, however, there is nothing complicated in this procedure, if you are careful and careful. If you make even the slightest mistake at this stage, you risk not only damaging the cartridge, but also the printing device itself.
Step 4
Place toner in a dry, clean container. It is not necessary to fill it 100%, since all of it is never consumed. Familiarize yourself with the container and pour a little less than intended. Reassemble the cartridge in reverse order and install it in the printer.
Step 5
Wash your hands after handling toner, even if you cannot see any residue on you. It contains a substance hazardous to health and must not be allowed to come into contact with the face and eyes. If possible, carry out the procedure for refilling the cartridge with glasses, since if it gets on the mucous membrane, there may be complications.