How To Find The Serial Number Of The Program

How To Find The Serial Number Of The Program
How To Find The Serial Number Of The Program

Table of contents:


Sometimes, in order to determine the legality of an installed application, to obtain technical support from the developer's company, or for other needs, it is required to determine the serial number under which this application is registered. Often this number is indicated on the box in which the program was distributed; if it was purchased online, then the serial number can be found in the internal information about it.

How to find the serial number of the program
How to find the serial number of the program


Registered installed program


Step 1

Run the program whose serial number you want to determine. There are a number of general principles that the interfaces of windows applications have, but their small details may differ, so if the described method does not correspond to the interface of any particular application, you should proceed by analogy. So, the vast majority of programs have a menu bar at the top of the window.

Step 2

The rightmost item on it is most often an item with the name About us, About the program, Help, or similar ones that are not directly related to the performance of the program's functions. Clicking on such an item will open the context menu, which will contain the About the program item, or the Program. Clicking on it will open a window with information, including the serial code.

Step 3

In some cases, the context menu contains a separate item Serial number or Registration information - under such conditions, the application serial number will be located in it. However, there are some programs in which the determination of the serial number is not quite typical.

Step 4

One of them is a text editor in the suite of office applications from Microsoft:

-Click on the large round button with the Office logo in the upper left corner of the program window after it starts. This action will open the main context menu of the application.

-Select the Options button in it, and click on it. The editor settings window will open.

-Select Resources on the left side of the settings window and click on it. On the right side of the window, a list of the various options available for selection is displayed. You should pay attention to the button at the bottom of the working window called About. Clicking on it will open a window with the Office serial number.

Step 5

Often, the user needs to find out the serial number not of the application, but of the operating system. This is quite simple to do - right-click on the My Computer icon to bring up the System Properties menu. It will be listed in the General tab.
