For quick access to recently used documents in the Windows system there is a folder "Recent Documents". This folder can be accessed through the Start menu. Accordingly, if you need to delete information about recently used documents, you must delete links from this folder. If it is necessary for the system to stop keeping this record, or to clear the list itself, you can proceed as follows.
Step 1
Open the "Start" menu, select the "Run …" command. In the window that appears, enter - RegEdit, click OK, the registry editor window will open.
Step 2
Windows initially remembers 15 recently used documents, this value can be changed. Open the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer
Create a parameter here named MaxRecentDocs of type DWORD, with a value between 0x0 - 0xFFFFFFFF (for example, 0xF = 15 documents).
Step 3
You can configure the system so that it clears the list itself when the computer is turned off. To do this, open the section
Create a DWORD parameter, name it ClearRecentDocsOnExit and set the value to 1.
Step 4
If there is a need for the system not to keep the history of opened documents, then open the section
and add the NoRecentDocsHistory DWORD key here. Give it a value of 1.
Step 5
Finally, if necessary, you can remove the Documents item from the Start menu. To do this, open the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion PoliciesExplorerer
and create a key named NoRecentDocsMenu of type DWORD. Assign the value 1. After restarting the computer, the "Documents" item will disappear.