The social network Instagram has become very popular today. The number of users of this service has long exceeded one billion. This social network has a huge number of advantages that are not inherent in other social networks. It is laconic, convenient and understandable for every user. But there is also one significant drawback. You can only post new content to this network using your smartphone.

It would seem that there is no problem that posts are added to a user's account only via a smartphone. But very often there are such cases when a user wants to add photos from a professional camera, and for this it is necessary to download them via a computer or transfer them first from a computer to a smartphone. All these unnecessary actions make using the social network extremely inconvenient. Unlike other popular social networks, the Instagram web page does not allow uploading photos and this can only be done through the application. But applications exist only for mobile platforms.
However, you can still post a photo on Instagram via a computer. To do this, you need to install an emulator of any of the modern mobile operating systems on your computer. The easiest way to do this is with the android operating system. After installing the emulator, you can go to the google play market and download the Instagram app right in the emulator environment. The emulator already has access to files on your computer.
To work with android on a computer or laptop in the windows operating environment, many emulators are well suited. But special attention should be paid to the Blue Stack and MEMU programs. They are completely free.
Thus, you get the opportunity to easily and easily upload photos to Instagram from your computer. This greatly simplifies the life of professional photographers and users who keep an archive of photos on their hard drive.