Owners of USB modems can experience a lot of difficulties when working with this device. One of the most popular is associated with the failure of its work in the presence of a special cable.

Connecting a USB modem using a special cable
Surely the owners of USB-modems have heard that they can increase the speed of the network using a special twisted pair cable or a special hub. Yes, of course it is. To increase the speed of a USB modem, it is enough to buy a simple USB extension cable, which is connected to a computer at one end, and the modem itself is installed in the other. Why does this cable increase speed? The point is not that in itself, but in the fact that the user has the opportunity to place the USB-modem in the place where you can catch a good signal, and the user himself will be able to sit in a convenient place.
Possible problems and solutions
Unfortunately, this aspect has another side of the coin. Quite often, users who connect their USB device to the cable have difficulty working. This is due to a huge number of different factors. For example, as you know, any cable is an electrical or radio circuit with distributed parameters. Naturally, it also has active linear and wave resistance. As a result, it turns out that the longer the cable a person uses to work with the USB modem, the more the signal is distributed directly over the cable. As a result, only a certain part of the signal reaches the user himself, and not the entire declared potential. That is why it is required to use only high quality, shielded cable, the length of which will not exceed 3 meters (preferably even less).
In addition, a malfunction of the USB modem when working with the cable may occur due to the fact that the cable itself may be damaged or broken inside or outside. In order to find out, it is required to look at the entire cable for the presence of various fractures. If outwardly everything looks more or less normal, then most likely the problem lies inside the cable (for example, the wires of the cable may oxidize or the wires inside it may be broken). You can connect another device with a USB input to it and if the computer finds it, then you can confidently say that everything is in order with the cable, but the problem lies elsewhere. If the device still does not appear, then connect another cable and check the connection on it. If the problem still persists, then you should install the USB modem directly to the computer and check if the network has appeared. If it is not there, then the problem lies in the device itself and needs to be changed.