Server Ip: How And Where To Find The Address

Server Ip: How And Where To Find The Address
Server Ip: How And Where To Find The Address

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The IP address defines the exact network coordinates of every node on the Internet. You can find out such an address of a server connected to the network if you know the domain name of any site hosted on it. To do this, you do not need to use special programs, and even access to the corresponding services located on the Internet is not required - you can get by with the standard programs of the operating system.

server ip: how and where to find the address
server ip: how and where to find the address


Step 1

Use any utility from the standard programs of your operating system. All such programs, when sending packets to the server, first use the DNS (Domain Name Service) to determine its network IP address. And since most utilities display information about their actions, then you can see the IP you need. For example, on Windows, you can use ping or tracert.

Step 2

Press the win key or click on the "Start" button to expand the OS main menu. Select the "Run" item in it - this will open the standard program launch dialog. If this item is absent in the main menu of your OS, then use the win + r hotkey combination assigned to this command by default.

Step 3

Open the terminal of the command line emulator using the program launch dialog - enter the cmd command and click the "OK" button or press the Enter key.

Step 4

At the command line, enter the name of the utility that you want to use to determine the server's IP address. For example, if you opted for the command to trace the route between your computer and the server, then type the tracert command, then enter the domain of any site located on the server of interest through a space. It is not necessary to indicate the designation of the protocol. The syntax for the ping command, which is used to estimate the rate at which packets travel between your computer and this server, follows the same rules. For example, to find the IP address of the server hosting the site, type tracert or ping and then press the Enter key.

Step 5
